Transport issues have been identified as a critical factor influencing CO2 emissions and the transformation of the Copper Valley region. A strategy will be developed to create a network of connections based on zero-carbon solutions. It will connect cities, industrial zones and workplaces (incl. mines). At this early stage, the concept focuses on creating a zero-emission network between rail and buses.
This vision aligns with the Polish government’s plan to create a so-called ‘Hydrogen Valley’ in Lower Silesia, as well as plans for new rail links that will soon come into effect. With full support from local governments, the project aims to significantly reduce the share of high-carbon transport solutions in the highly industrialised Copper Valley area.
Unfortunately, despite the copper character of the region, the energy to be supplied still comes mainly from coal. Discussions on changing the energy mix are underway in Lower Silesia, and it will be up to the local TSL to incorporate the will of the local communities.
The Lower Silesia TSL will primarily focus on developing zero-carbon transportation options and changing the region's view of zero-emission energy sources. The problem will be examined in depth. The resulting strategy will help implement good practices and the synergy effect obtained through cooperation with other partners (see EoIs) and long-term strategy adaptation and transfer to other parts of Lower Silesia and further.
The vision of the TSL
Zero-emission transport in the Copper Valley region (LGOM)
Project Manager
Foundation Dumni z Lubina