
TRANSFORMER is thrilled to be hosting a side event titled “Adapting Living Lab methodologies for sustainability transitions at regional scale”, which is part of the upcoming European Week of Regions and Cities 2023.

The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual event to accelerate cross-regional collaboration and advance innovative solutions in a holistic and swift way. The side event will discuss new approaches to drive the transformation towards climate neutrality and sustainability at a regional scale. Drawing from the insights of the TRANSFORMER project and other research initiatives, the session will explore and discuss the opportunities for adapting Living Lab methodologies to co-create and implement large-scale systemic solutions. 

Key figures in the field will share their insights, which will be followed by a dynamic panel discussion and Q&A session. The side event will take place online on 17 October 2023, from 14:00-16:00(CET). Register here: https://www.transformer-project.eu/user-forum