
The Roadmap is a guide for regions interested in developing their own Transition Super Labs. It is based on the lessons learned from the TRANSFORMER project, which developed and tested the TSL concept in four European regions. It is tailored to the practical needs of planners, policy and decision-makers. The roadmap provides a step-by-step description of the TSL development and implementation process and includes 4 phases, 11 steps and over 30 activities with corresponding milestones and deliverables. The phases are linked to the Transition Model and start with strengthening local transition capacity, followed by fearing transition capacity, accelerating through innovation, and scaling up the transition. 


The main objective of the toolkit is to support the development and implementation of the Transition Super-Labs (TSL). The idea is to enable significant up-scaling of the TSLs by setting up and operating a set of tools that are able to attract different interests of public authorities, enterprises, financers, investors, and other related communities such as researchers and civil society. Within the TRANSFORMER project, a Matchmaking Platform is used to connect people before and after specific events, such as the Transition camps that will be held at each TSL. Additional tools that might be useful in implementing the different steps of the roadmap will also be presented, but they will not be tested within the project.

Knowledge Hub

TRANSFORMER Knowledge Hub serves as a step-by-step advisory hub to build competence to regions and support the ecosystems of actors in evolving a cross-sectoral transition towards climate neutrality through innovation. Operating as a one-stop-shop, Knowledge Hub is composed of a portfolio of transition-enabling methodologies and tools from both the TRANSFORMER project and external sources that are structured along the phases and steps of the TRANSFORMER Transition Model and the roadmap to guide regions through the process of achieving a successful transition towards climate neutrality.