Objective #1
To develop and implement an effective and mission-oriented methodology for initiating and accelerating Transition Super-Labs as flagship demonstrators for achieving carbon neutrality in regions with potential for innovation at the intersection of socio-technical regimes
The TSL approach aims at scaling the experimental setting typically conceived as ‘innovative niches’ up to systemic mission-driven innovation. TRANSFORMER takes the region as an ‘experimental setting’ by adapting the Living Lab methodologies to fit TSLs as large-territory initiatives to transition to zero-carbon regional economies.
Special focus will be put on fostering systemic innovation at the intersection of socio-technical regimes, such as the intersection of transportation and the electricity provision regime.
Selected outputs
- Recommendations for coalitions and vision building
- Super-Lab blueprint process to transition

Objective #2:
To develop and manage dynamic portfolios of innovative solutions to target and prioritise the transition needs of the TRANSFORMER regions to achieve climate neutrality within 10 to 15 years.
The project will systematically identify the transformation needs of each region and engage regional stakeholders, compiling a portfolio of existing and potential social and technical innovations for climate transition.
We will use co-creative methods how to develop these portfolios as unified regional plans for climate action by using synergic and cross-fertilisation potentials between the various solutions in the portfolios.
Selected outputs
- Super-Lab Knowledge Hub
- SWOT analysis for four TRANSFORMER regions
Objective #3:
To secure speedy and agile action in the Transition Super-Labs by close interaction among different players.
The project will build the groundwork for future governing structures for the Super-Labs based on a common understanding by developing and implementing matchmaking mechanisms composed of offline and online tools.
This will be done by focusing on three pillars:
- deliberative methods to come to a common understanding between all stakeholders
- defining ways on how to come to decisions in the Transition Super-Labs
- working out the green financial aspects of the transition projects in the regions and focused investments
Selected outputs
- Toolkit incl. matchmaking mechanisms
- Super-Lab roadmaps as blueprint process to transition

Objective #4:
To build the foundation for self-sustaining ‘communities of practice’ for TSLs in Europe (and beyond).
To secure the continuity of the Transition Super-Labs after the end of the project, TRANSFORMER sets out to build the foundation of a community of TSL practitioners.
We will organise community-building events, secure learnings of the Super-Lab construction through capacity-building activities and develop effective tools to assess training needs for Transition Super-Labs.
Selected outputs
- Training and capacity-building activities
- Dissemination of exploitable results
Objective #5:
To systematically explore/assess the regional-scale Transition Super-Lab approach regarding its potential for being a cornerstone in the Green European Transition.
Renowned research institutes in all four regions will participate in a constant process of learning through experimentation, testing, and evaluation. Our research will evaluate the role of regions as Transition Super-Labs innovating at the intersections of socio-technical regimes.
The goal is to shed light on the potential role of regional cross-regime Transition Super-Labs in the Green European Transition and provide evidence for their decarbonisation potential.
Selected outputs
- Mapping of settings across Europe potentially benefits from the TSL approach.
- Assessment framework for Transition Super-Labs